Saturday, August 31, 2013

Who's Game is it Anyway?

Back when me was a young pup, me knew "fetch" was gonna be one of my favorite games.  But me had to teach mom how to play!  So in the mornings, mom would start to put on her shoes and me would bring her a toy...  Instead of telling me "no" or making me get down, she would toss it, hoping me would play wiff the toy while her finished putting on her shoes.  Nope!  Me would bring it back and give it to her, and she would toss it again...  Her would finally get her shoes on, but she learned how to play at the same time!  (you CAN teach an old mom new tricks *snickers*)

Her bought me lots of different balls, but my favorite was (and still is) my red Kong Ball.  It's tuff so it lasts a long long time and bounces really high! 

Me was quite the high-jumping  fetcher when me was young...  Now that me has gotten older, we still play fetch, but mom doesn't make me work so hard to get it.  That is if it's just us two playing...

My annoying brofur Jimmy likes to play too, but him doesn't want to wait his turn (not like me would let him have a turn), it is MY ball after all.  So mom will toss the ball, and both Jimmy and me scrambles after it...  Most of the time, me gets it first. 

But every so often, Jimmy will use his little dog size to slide under me and steal the ball away!  Mom laughs, me pouts and Jimmy celebrates...


bye for now....

♪ Happy Tails to you....
until we meet again! ♫

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